MY point OF view ON SEASONAL COLOUR analysis

My point of view on seasonal colour analysis

Posted by Aloïs Guinut on Wednesday, March 3, 2021 · 17 Comments 

Do you know the seasonal color analysis?

It consists of linking a woman to a seasonal color palette based on her own colored features such as the skin, the eyes, and the hair.

Spoiler: I do not use it and will tell you how I do instead.

I/ how does seasonal color analysis works?

Seasonal color analysis theory

In short: there are two seasons with cold color palettes (summer and winter) and two seasons with warm color palettes (spring and autum). then two “light” seasons (spring and summer) and two “dark” seasons (autumn and winter).

You then are meant to figure out whether your own colored features are warm or cold and light or dark and pick the season and its color palette accordingly.


Light and golden skin and hair? spring gal like Blake Lively or Amy Adams

Light and cold skin and hair? summer appeal like the Fanning sisters or Rihanna

Light to dark golden complexion with medium to dark warm hair? Autumn lady like Beyonce, Julia Roberts or Adele

Cold dark hair and cold skin : wintertime princess like Anne Hattaway or Lupita Nyong’o


Originally conceptualized by Carol Jackson in 1980, the color theory applied to white women only… so the current theory is a stretch that, IMO, leaves lots of people in the autumnal season.

This leads to the current evolution of the theory that divides each season into a lot more subtle categories.

When you have soft contrasted features like Adele, you would be “muted autumn”, when you have dark contrasted features like Julia Roberts you would be “dark autumn” and when you have very warm features like Jennifer Lopez you would be “warm autumn”… all having their accordingly matching palette.

… which starts to sound a bit complicated doesn’t it?

II/ Does it work?

=> yes it does

Since the palettes has the same characteristics than your own skin and hair colors, it is most likely to match them in a harmonious manner.

=> No it does not 

It is too narrow: there are a lot more colors a person can wear than those in her palette

It is complicated to apply in everyday life.

It is tough to put each special individual in a box.

III/ Why I do not use the seasonal color analysis

=> It is too specific

The shade are too subtle


It can be tricky to find the very shades in your palette in the shops

Human eyes is not that subtle. No one will be able to tell if this shade of light blue suits you best than the next one.

=> it doesn’t take our personality into account

What if you have a sweet color palette but your soul is dark?

There is no need to look ” the most radiant” everyday

You can play outside of your palette to contrast with what mother nature gave you

=> I think the four season method can be a good starter to give you an intuition of the colors that flatter your skintone the most (whether warm, cold, dark or light)

But then do not take it for an almighty policy and take pleasure in getting dressed!

=> Example

I show you with Rosamund Pike

Light golden skin and hair, she looks like a spring woman.

Therefore the warm and light shade shall look darling on her… and they do

With this glowing baby blue

Soft camel

Creamy yellow

Warm and bright red

And this sage green than some would maybe say is summer but I don’t care it LOOKS NICE

Yet she also look gorgeous in black (not in her palette). Are we going to take away the power of an edgy black dress from all spring and summer women? No we are not because they look fab in them.

She looks also fab in this blue even if it most likely doesn’t belong to a spring palette.

As well as in this icy pale color harmony.

And then let’s not forget about the hair color change that play a role.

She also looks stunning in this pinkish red dress and ashy brown hair.

In short you do not HAVE to look the same all the time.

What is sure though is that there are colors that absolutely are not flattering for her and those are the only ones she shall really avoid.

She looks a bit cold in this dark red, but also that’s a vibe

Yet let’s acknowledge she looks better with a warm and lighter one

Also not into this peachy pink although that’s a normal spring shade (warm and light). It’s so close to her own coloring that she looks off.

And then THE dreaded colors.

Like this horrible horrible electric blue that was all the rage in the late 2000’s and that is so saturated it really steals the show from blue or green eyes.

IV/ My color analysis method

Before starting the color analysis, I get to know my client. What she normally wears, what she likes, dislikes… but also whether she likes to be noticed or not, if she is the shy or the bold type… and the lots of subtleties of each individual.

That allows me to feel what I call her “vibe” .

It’s a very intuitive process.

Then I apply this vibe to the colors that are flattering to her skin, hair, and eyes.

I give easy to understand general inspirations to keep my client’s options open.

First the neutral  palette

And then the colors she can incorporate and how (a lot, a little, combining colors or not?).

I describe the color in terms of warmth, depth, and intensity when needed.

I can tell a client that “dark sultry colors” suit her … which is generic enough to let her plenty of choice in the shops.

And I can tell this same client to keep away from muted, washed-out and greyish colors.

In the portfolio, I illustrate all those tips with women that have similar colors and vibes to those of my client.

=> how do I know if a color suits someone? 

As I said, it’s quite an intuitive process, and trying to break it down would lead to a mess of a theory like the seasonal color analysis one.

I do not have rules that apply to all human beings. I sure tend to recommend warm tones to the warm-toned women, and cool tones to the cool-toned women. but I don’t make anything a dogma carved in marble.

Also, the less saturated the colors, the less crucial their warmth (or lack of) is (you can’t really tell the difference between warm and cold colors when they are dark or light).

My goal is to tailor you an easy-to-apply color analysis guideline.

Ask me for your style portfolio including your color analysis!

V/ Colors only affect your face if they are close to it.

Don’t overthink whether your pants or shoes are in your face color palette. It doesn’t matter.

The “good looks” shades are most crucial worn next to the face. So try wearing hats, scarfs, tops or earrings that flatter you if you want a feel-good effect.

And remember, there are no eyebags a well-chosen lipstick can’t fix.

VI/ Colorful style icon wear a large range of shades

Stylish women know what flatters them… and they know a lot of colors do!

Watch those Instagram stars wear all kind of colorful shades:

Sea of shoes

Le dressing de Leeloo

Simona Bertolotto

Slip into style

Accidental icon

And you? What’s your opinion of the seasonal color analysis? 

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