On a scale of 1-10, With 10 Being forever and a Day, how long Are You in the Shower?

I can do numerous things quickly, but showering isn’t one of them. I’m probably at about a 12, to be honest.

There’s all the regular things I like to do — exfoliating and shaving all the hairy bits — and I have long hair, so that takes a long time too, yadda, yadda, yadda.


But I also kind of like to just spend time in there daydreaming. I think it’s very therapeutic. I stand there under the warm water and let my mind wander, or in some cases I sing or think back to old memories or carry on a complete conversation with myself…

In terms of vices, I don’t think it’s a really bad one.

So, yeah. I spend about 30 minutes when I’m on my regular dilly-dallying schedule, but if I’m trying to hustle, I can get that down to 15.

How about you? On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being forever and a day, how long are you in the shower?


And do you have a shower radio or a fancy shower head or any other shower accouterments? Inquiring minds want to know.

Your friendly neighborhood charm addict,


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