Easy everyday hairstyles for the canine Days of Summer, Day 3: Wash-and-Wear Wow

and for much more heat-less hairstyles for the canine days of summer, check out these messages here:

Day 1: The Woven Wonder

Day 2: Textured, Tousled Waves

I don’t know if it’s because I’ve thoroughly embraced the triple “L”s (otherwise known as #lazyladylife), or if it’s because stepping outside best now feels like walking into the world’s largest oven, but I’m very into wash-and-wear hair best now. beach babe meets laid-back French girl chic, if you please. loose waves that willfully bend whichever way they want, with textured ends that represent that I tried enough to care about my hair this morning but didn’t obsess over every stray strand.

Lurves it!

And ya know, it’s also an instant pick-me-up, too, because I swear, I stand up straighter and smile larger when my hair is even just a little bit done. It makes me feel like a functional human being.

For this easy hairstyle, I used Oribe products again because best now “Or” is my “bae.”

See what I did there? (OK, that was pretty lame. I ought to not be allowed to say “bae” in public.)

Here’s how you can work those dog-days-of-summer breezes to your air drying advantage:

1. Prep with a repairing shampoo and conditioner to heal any damaged ends

I like shampoos and conditioners that don’t strip my color, and Gold Lust Shampoo and Conditioner do that while at the same time adding moisture and shine.

2. Towel dry, then apply a lightweight, moisturizing styling balm from the mid-shaft to the ends

Here’s the thing about air drying: unless you’re one of the lucky people who steps out of the shower with ideal hair that automatically falls into place (my friend Christine has hair like this, and yes, I’ve been jealous for over two decades), you gotta work a little something-something into it. Ideally, it’s a styling balm that does a bit of everything — moisture, hold, a touch of smoothness, and hydration, of course! The goal is to tame that mane a little (but not too much).

Oribe Featherbalm does everything aforementioned, so your air-dried ‘do looks done but not overly worked.

Massage the balm into your hair, then gently drag it through your strands with your fingers to kinda comb everything it into place.

Next, part your hair, and then let it do its air-dry thing.

Or, if you have an extra minute (or bangs that are just plain cray, and you want/need to wrangle them into place), section off a chunk of hair in the crown, then twist and protected it with bobby pins.

Oh, and by the way, this wash-and-wear style also sets you up for tomorrow’s look. Don’t you love being prepared?

Stay cool, chica!

Your friendly neighborhood charm addict,


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